for a personal consecration
of individuals and groups
Father, in the Holy Spirit I
want to consecrate and commit
myself to the Hearts of Jesus
and Mary and to be a more devoted
and faithful child.
Mary, today I (name)
commit myself to your Immaculate Heart. Keep me under your maternal
protection and lead me to your Son Jesus.
Lord Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I consecrate
and commit myself to your Sacred Heart. Mould my heart after
your heart so that you will
live in me ever more.
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, with this consecration
and commitment I return to you
the love you showed me in your
earthly lives, especially on
Calvary, and which you show
me still today. At the same
time I redomenasticna my baptismal consecration
to the triune God: I renounce
sin, temptation of evil and
the devil; I believe in everything
that God has revealed to us
and which the Catholic Church
teaches us.
promise to fulfill Jesus' commandment
of love for God and my neighbour,
the commandments of God and
of the Church and to act according
to the doctrine of the Church
under the successor of St. Peter.
In this way I want to contribute
to the unity and growth of the
Church. I will personally pray
the rosary with my family and
other communities and observe
the devotion of the first Fridays
and Saturdays, making reparation
for my sins and the sins of
all mankind.
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, help me to accept the Gospel in my heart and to
live it in faith, hope and love,
that Jesus Christ will, through his cross and resurrection,
become the way, the truth and
the life for me. May I be nourished
on heavenly bread and live out
the sacrifice of the Eucharist
so that I will overcome every
evil and always choose life.
Full of trust I seek shelter in your loving hearts. Protect me in all dangers and after this earthly pilgrimage take me to my eternal home in Heaven. Amen. Sacred Heart
this prayer. Adobe

for a personal consecration
of a family
Mary! You lived in the family
at Nazareth with Joseph, so
every family is dear to you.
Mother Mary, the Queen of the family, our family, united in mutual
love, commits itself to your Immaculate Heart. Keep us under your maternal protection and lead us to your Son Jesus.
Lord Jesus, gathered in your name through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we consecrate and commit ourselves to your Sacred Heart. Mould our hearts after your heart so that you will live
more and more in us and among
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, (families with young children add: we especially
consecrate and commit to you
the upbringing of our children).
Help us to fulfill our duties
conscientiously, and to live
according to the commandments of God and of the Church, especially the commandment to love God and our neighbour,
living the Gospel in our hearts and acting according to the teachings of the Church under the leadership
of the successor of St. Peter.
want to respect one another,
to forgive one another, faithfully
carry our crosses and live a
kind of love that is ready to
give life for another. We will
not close up in ourselves but
be attentive to the needs of
a home Church, our family should
be a community of grace and
prayer, a school of human and
Christian virtues, especially
of love. We will gladly cooperate
in the life of our parish, participate
in holy Mass and in the sacrament
of confession, reconciling with
God and with one another. The
Eucharist shall make us one
body. Everyday family and personal
prayer shall be our strongest
and most powerful encouragement
for accepting our responsibilities
as a Christian family.
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, protect us from
every sin. We resolve especially
to avoid sins against faith,
hope and love, sins of swearing
and unchastity, sins of the
tongue and envy, sins of hatred
and every evil.
promise to keep the Lord's Day
holy. For conversion of sinners
we will gladly pray the rosary
and observe the devotion of
the first Fridays and Saturdays.
We will make reparation for
all offences that we and the
world alienated from God offend
you with.
us to live constantly in the
grace of God and stay faithful
to you until the end. May all
members of our family reach
a happy old age and one day
with our friends enjoy eternal
happiness in heaven. Amen. Sacred
this prayer. Adobe

for consecration of a parish
singular form)
Mary, the dawn of our redemption,
as a parish priest of (name
of the parish or some other
community) I commit myself and
also my parish to your Immaculate
Heart. Keep us under your maternal
protection and lead us to your
Son Jesus, the light of the
world, our Redeemer, our hope,
and our salvation.
Lord Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the Holy Spirit,
I consecrate and commit myself
and my parish to your heart.
May we be more and more devoted
and faithful children of our
heavenly Father.
consecrate and commit to you
all the members of this parish,
beginning with the weakest ones,
from the unborn to the sick,
the disabled and the elderly.
I commit to you our families,
our children, our young people,
the single and the widowed.
I pray especially for dysfunctional,
hurt and broken families, for
the young who seek the meaning
of life but who are getting
lost in a world of alcohol and
the unemployed, the lonely and
the desperate. I pray for those
who are away from the parish,
who have distanced themselves
from the Church. Through the
intercession of Mary accept
all those named into your merciful
heart, and make me a co-worker
of your mercy.
Redeemer, increase your grace
in us so that we will redomenasticna
our Baptismal consecration to
the triune God, renounce sin,
the temptation of evil and the
devil. We shall believe everything
God has revealed to us and which
is taught by the Catholic Church.
Grant us the Spirit of love
so that we will live according
to the Gospel, fulfill your
commandment to love God and
our neighbour, keep the commandments
of God and those of the Church,
receive the sacraments worthily,
especially the sacraments of
Reconciliation and the Eucharist,
and live according to the teachings
of the Church.
us so that we will, in the power
of the Holy Spirit with his
gifts and charisms, listen to
God's call with joy and respond
to it generously by cooperating
in the domenasticna evangelization, contributing
to the unity and growth of the
parish and the universal Church.
us in prayer and grant that
we will always feed on the word
of God and heavenly Bread. In
this way we will be well prepared
to overcome every evil and always
choose life. Protect us in every
danger and take us, through
the intercession of Mother Mary,
into the embrace of our merciful
heavenly Father after our earthly
pilgrimage is over. Amen. Sacred
this prayer. Adobe

for consecration of a parish
Mary, the dawn of our redemption,
our parish (name) commits itself
to your Immaculate Heart. Accept
us under your maternal protection
and lead us to your Son Jesus,
the light of the world, the
only Redeemer, our hope and
our salvation.
Jesus, we as a parish consecrate
and commit ourselves to your
Sacred Heart. May we be ever
more devoted and faithful children
of our heavenly Father.
consecrate and commit to you
all members of our parish, starting
with the weakest ones: from
the unborn to the sick, the
disabled and the elderly. We
commit to you our families,
our children, our young people,
the single and the widowed.
We pray especially for hurting
and broken families, and for
the young who are searching
for meaning in their lives but
who are getting lost in a world
of alcohol and drugs. Help the
unemployed, the lonely and the
desperate. We pray especially
for those who have fallen away
from the Church, who have distanced
themselves from the parish community.
Through the intercession of
Mary accept all the named in
your merciful heart and make
us co-workers of your mercy.
Redeemer, before you we redomenasticna
our Baptismal consecration,
we renounce sin, the temptation
of evil and the devil. We believe
in everything that God has revealed
to us and which is taught by
the Catholic Church. Grant us
the Spirit of love so that we
will live according to the Gospel,
fulfill your commandment of
love for God and our neighbour,
the commandments of God and
of the Church, receive the sacraments
worthily, especially the sacraments
of Reconciliation and the Eucharist,
and act in accordance with the
doctrine and teachings of the
Church. Support us so that we
will, in the power of the Holy
Spirit with his gifts and charismas,
listen to God's call with joy
and generosity, and to answer
this call, cooperating in a
domenasticna evangelization, contributing
to the unity and growth of the
parish and the universal Church.
want to be nourished on the
word of God and on heavenly
bread. We want to pray regularly
so that we will be well prepared
to conquer every evil and always
choose life. Protect us in every
danger through the intercession
of our Mother Mary, and after
our pilgrimage on earth is over,
may we be taken into the eternal
embrace of our merciful Father
in Heaven. Amen.Sacred
this prayer. Adobe
Heart With
Church permission Sacred